Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Igneous Rocks

This week in class we're covering igneous rocks and volcanism and on Friday we'll be discussing Geological Hazards. It should be a fun week.

We started Monday's class by talking about the rock cycle. You can watch a youtube video about the rock cycle here. There are a bunch of rock cycle songs, most of which are not very watchable. This is one of the better ones.

Moving on to igneous rocks, did you know that ice cream is an igneous rock? The Green Gabbro blog provides an excellent explanation. Now I'm hungry. I had a small tub of Ben and Jerry's stashed in the departmental freezer. I wonder if it's still there.

This is a really interesting post on cooling fronts in igneous rocks and also talks about Devils Tower and whether it is an igneous intrusion (yes) or a volcanic neck (no). I would really like to go to Devils Tower some day. It is amazing and I'd like to see it in person.

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